Pure Mind, Pure World Retreat

Saturday, Dec 21, 9am – 3:30pm

Purify negative karma and experience a light and joyful mind.  All are welcome to attend any of the retreat sessions.

Buddha Vajrasattva is the embodiment of the completely pure mind of all the Buddhas. By receiving his purifying blessings, we can free our mind from the negativity of our past, obstructions to our spiritual practice, and experience a light, joyful mind.

In this retreat, we will focus on the four special ways to remove negative karma known as the ‘four opponent powers’ using the sadhana Meditation and Recitation of Solitary Vajrasattva. By doing this, we remove karmic potentials that not only give rise to painful experiences but are obstacles to attaining spiritual realizations.

Retreat Sessions

During a retreat we reduce our normal worldly activities and concentrate for a period of time on developing spiritual qualities and peaceful minds – finding happiness from within. You are welcome to drop in for any or all of the retreat sessions.  Everyone is welcome to enjoy this special opportunity.

Free for FP and Supporting members  |  $30 all 4 sessions  |  $10 per session

1-2:30 lunch break