Mondays 6:30PM-7:45PM

Guided Meditations & Teachings with Kadam Angie Kane

$10 / free for members

During this series we will learn methods for maintaining harmonious relationships even though we may disagree passionately with others. We’ll learn how to disagree without tearing each other down by purposefully developing a mind of respect, restraint, love and compassion.

We may be surprised how our relationships can transform when we genuinely accept others, put ourselves in their shoes, find common ground, and learn to release the tight grasp we have on our own views and opinions. Buddha’s teachings on equalizing and exchanging self with others are especially applicable if we are truly interested in keeping good relationships.

Class Topics
Feb 3 Harmony over Anger
Feb 10 Change or justify unpleasant feelings?
Feb 17 Patience = Mental Strength
Feb 24 Everyone's real enemy is Anger
Mar 3 Mental flexibility

About the Teacher

Kadam Angie Kane is a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 1999. Kadam Angie is a powerful and inspiring teacher who is well-loved for her compassion, wisdom, and clear, practical teachings.