Buddha taught many different meditations. The realizations attained through these meditations are the path to liberation. Liberation from suffering therefore depends upon making progress in meditation, and progress in meditation depends upon engaging sincerely in preliminary practices. Buddha taught four principal preliminary practices. These are normally called the ‘four great guides’ because they are the methods by which we are guided into the actual path to liberation. Meditation itself is like the main body, and the four great guides are like four limbs; just as without limbs our body cannot move and function, so without preliminary practices meditation alone cannot work.
- Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
These retreats are held throughout the year. No retreats are currently scheduled. Please check back soon.

Sat, Apr 12 | 9am
$35 / free for members GPII and up
Zoom Access: If you are a member who qualifies to attend online, email [email protected] to receive the link.
The meditative practice of offering the mandala, or pure universe, is a powerful method to accumulate merit, or positive energy in the mind. Merit is the main cause of experiencing good fortune in the future. In this retreat we will engage in this practice in conjunction with Offering to the Spiritual Guide prayers. Each session will include a meditation time, chanted prayers and recitation.
This is a required retreat for Teacher Training Program.

Led by Gen Lhadron, an American Buddhist nun and resident teacher at KMC San Diego. Gen Lhadron’s sincere teachings are presented with humor and practical examples that make them accessible to everyone. Through her kindness and enthusiasm for meditation practice, she provides an inspiring example of a modern Buddhist practitioner for our society. Gen Lhadron has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 2001.