January 1 | 10am-4:30pm
Start the new year with one day of contemplation and meditation on what matters most in our life. It is said if you are going to fill a jar, put the biggest stones in first then the sand. If we allow the details to occupy the space of our mind, we can easily neglect the most important things. Let's begin the new year shining the light of wisdom to investigate the real meaning of our human life. Joy follows meaning. Attend online or in person. Replay available for one week.
**Break for lunch**
$29/person (free for Supporting members)
About the Teacher
Led by Gen Lhadron, an American Buddhist nun and resident teacher at KMC San Diego. Gen Lhadron’s sincere teachings are presented with humor and practical examples that make them accessible to everyone. Through her kindness and enthusiasm for meditation practice, she provides an inspiring example of a modern Buddhist practitioner for our society. Gen Lhadron has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 2001.

January 15 | 10am-12:15pm
When we understand karma, we see how to create a better future. Every action we take plants a seed for a future experience. Understanding this helps us to not take things so personally and feel empowered to respond more positively. We can get in the driver’s seat of our life and create the future we want to live.
$20/person (free for FP & Supporting members)
About the Teacher
Kadam Angie Kane is a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 1999. Kadam Angie is a powerful and inspiring teacher who is well-loved for her compassion, wisdom, and clear, practical teachings.