Kadam Lucy’s Virtual Visit to San Diego

Friday Night Public Talk – a live-streamed event!
December 11, 6-7:30pm
Cost: $15 **Invite a friend special- 2 for $20**
Or attend the entire weekend for $40 (Fri-Sun)
(Visiting teachers are not included in Membership)
Learn how to turn down the heat in others and in ourself.
These days different viewpoints can feel like landmines of conflict and tension even with people we love. In Buddha’s teachings we can find tools to help us create harmony within our family, workplace and community.
“Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible” – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Saturday & Sunday Online Weekend Retreat (6 Sessions)
December 12 & 13 (schedule below)
Cost: $30
Or attend the entire weekend for $40 (Fri-Sun)
(Visiting teachers are not included in Membership)
During this rare and experiential retreat we can learn how to dispel the clutter of our mind and the complications of our lives through meditating on the true nature of our mind. Abiding in the deep inner peace of this emptiness, there are no disturbing thoughts, no pain, no worry, no anger, no conflict, and no fear.
Saturday, December 12
Sunday, December 13
Kadam Lucy has a wealth of experience in Buddhist teachings, and you will love her guided meditations!
She is a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, the founder of our Buddhist tradition, having first met him in 1981. One of the senior teachers of Kadampa Buddhism, Kadam Lucy has taught extensively in England, Florida, and San Francisco, and helped set up many thriving Buddhist meditation centers in the past 34 years.