Livestream Workshop with Kadampa Teacher & Nurse, Kathy Dolan
Dharma for the Coming Days
Three things this Buddhist Nurse is Using from Buddha’s teachings
Saturday, April 18, 10-11:30am
Cost: $12
Although the world situation right now is ripe with fear and anxiety, what can we do to guide ourselves through these coming days and weeks?
From the front lines of caring for others who are sick or dying from the virus, we all know the stakes are high. Kathy will share some of her recent experiences and teachings from retreat that can be especially helpful to tame our minds and be ready for the coming days. How can we use the teachings we already know from Buddha’s compassion and wisdom to meet what is right in front of us, every day and be there for others, as a Buddha would. Practical, real and transformative guidance for taming our minds and being present and fearless.
About the Teacher
Kathy began her Buddhist studies in Chicago in 2002 and currently teaches a variety of classes at KMC San Diego. She is known for her sincerity, warmth and practical knowledge of Buddhist teachings.