Buddhist Practice for Busy People
Life Hacks for a Happy, Meaningful Life
a mini meditation retreat with Gen Lhadron
Attend in person or join from home via Zoom!
Saturday, Aug 21 | 10AM-1PM
$25 (free for Supporting Members)
Learn some simple practices we can do on the go that improve our quality of life and create great karma. Even 2,600 years ago, Buddha gave advice to people with busy lives. We will explore these practices that are like life hacks, easy to do but lead to great results.
No experience necessary. Everyone welcome!
About the Teacher
Led by Gen Lhadron, an American Buddhist nun and resident teacher at KMC San Diego. Gen Lhadron’s sincere teachings are presented with humor and practical examples that make them accessible to everyone. Through her kindness and enthusiasm for meditation practice, she provides an inspiring example of a modern Buddhist practitioner for our society. Gen Lhadron has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 2001.