Sat, Aug 17 | 6:30pm
Sunset Meditation at Mission Bay
Join us for a sunset meditation and bonfire at Mission Bay. Enjoy getting together with like-minded people in a fun and meaningful way. There will be time to just relax and chat. Bring something to sit on and, if you want, a small dish to share.
We will begin gathering at 6:30pm. Please be seated by 7:20pm for the meditation. It will begin at sunset.
Invite friends and family. Everyone welcome. Free event.
Where to Find Us
Find us on the east side of Vacation Isle Park on the grass immediately adjacent to the parking lot. We are set up with a bright yellow canopy. This is the same location we were in the last two years.
Parking can be found along the entire route (marked red on map) once you turn off Vacation Road. There should be plenty of parking. However, if needed you can park on the other side of Ingraham Street and use the pedestrian path under Ingraham to get to us.
From Ingraham Street turn onto Vacation Road. Then make an immediate left, which is the entrance to the Vacation Isle Park parking lot. Continue straight driving parallel to Ingraham all the way down to the end of the parking lot. Along this route there will be one opportunity to turn right. Do not turn and instead bear left staying parallel to Ingraham. If you turn right, you will be heading towards the west side of Vacation Isle Park and away from where we are set up. See: Google Map.